Tuesday, August 2, 2011


Sophia had been to Disneyland when she was four months old, but then she was too young to enjoy it. This time she had a blast! On the second day we were there, I woke Sophia up in the morning (yea, I woke her up) asking if she wanted to go to Disneyland again and she nodded yes with her eyes closed. So sweet! Then, on the third day she woke up and the first thing she said was “Snow White?”:) Her favorite rides were Small World and the Merry-go-round. She also LOVED the parade and the fireworks, she said “look fireworks!” during the whole time they were going on. Then, on the ride home she was saying “fireworks, where are you?” Haha! This trip was extra fun because Vovo (Sophia's grandpa who is visiting from Brasil), GG and Tinho were also there. If anybody says that a 22-month-old is too young for Disneyland, don’t believe them! It was totally worth for her and it even though I didn't go on too many roller coasters, this was MY favorite time at Disneyland! :-)

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