Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Summer fun!

Last summer, I used to take Sophia to the pool every week but it had not been hot enough this summer. Today was SO HOT that Sophia woke up from her nap with her head completely wet from sweat. I had never seen her sweat that much! So, to cool off, we all hit the pool! Sophia had not been to the pool since we were in Brazil in October so Brent and I were really anxious to see Sophia's reaction to the water now that she is older. At first, she got a little bit scared but after a little while she was swimming like a little fish again! :)


  1. I can feel it and smell it. To swim, then wrap up in a clean towel with the smell of detergent, fabric softener and chlorine is one I'll ever forget.

  2. What a cutie! She is going to be a mermaid, you can tell.
