Tuesday, June 7, 2011

An afternoon at Halfmoon Bay!

A couple of weekends ago, Sophia and I got to go to Halfmoon Bay with Sophia's grandparents Tinho & GG. I had never gone to Halfmoon Bay, and I was so impressed at how beautiful it is. I loved the green scenery, the bright flowers and the fog over the ocean. The pictures below were taken at the Lemos Farm. Sophia loooved feeding the animals and riding the train (she had to go twice!). I saw that they usually have a huge pumpkin patch in October, can't wait to take Sophia to that! We also enjoyed walking around downtown Halfmoon Bay and having dinner at the beautiful Ritz-Carlton hotel. I really hope I can stay there at least one day of my life! (Is my husband reading this? :p)

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