Friday, May 13, 2011

San Francisco Zoo!

Sophia had already been to the SF zoo when she was 11 months old, but today was completely different. This time she could walk and say the name of some animals. When showing her a new animal, we knew right away when she spotted the animal because she would open a huge smile! I think her favorite part was petting the goats, don't you? :) The only bad thing was that most animals (lion, tiger, hypo, bear, rhino, & more) were sleeping when we went to see them. I guess we should have not gone during their ciesta! :) After, we went to a beautiful restaurant close to the zoo called The Cliff House. Tired from the zoo, Sophia was asleep almost the entire time we were there giving me time to enjoy the beautiful view with my husband. What a wonderful day out with the family!

1 comment:

  1. I love the peacock picture! She is so beautiful, Carol!
