Thursday, June 30, 2011

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Shoreline Park on a Monday afternoon!

Yesterday, we went to the Shoreline park. Brent had brought me here when I was pregnant to show me where he used to work when he was in high school, but I had not come back since Sophia was born. It's so nice to have this beautiful park only 15 minutes away from home. I can't think of a better thing to do on a summer Monday afternoon than go to a park like this. The weather was perfect and even though this was such a simple family outing, it was one of the best ones I have had this summer. Sophia had fun picking up sticks and collecting rocks in her hat! :)

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Happy Father's Day!

I already knew what I was going to get Brent for father's day because he had told me what he wanted. After his gift arrived I realized that, even though his gift was something he really I wanted, I had put no thought into it. So, I decided to do something more creative! :) I printed the third picture on here, put it in a nice frame and gave one to Brent and one Tinho (Sophia's grandpa) who is also a huge Giants fan. They loved their gifts, and Brent said that the picture was way better than the gift he had chosen. Yay! :)

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Summer fun!

Last summer, I used to take Sophia to the pool every week but it had not been hot enough this summer. Today was SO HOT that Sophia woke up from her nap with her head completely wet from sweat. I had never seen her sweat that much! So, to cool off, we all hit the pool! Sophia had not been to the pool since we were in Brazil in October so Brent and I were really anxious to see Sophia's reaction to the water now that she is older. At first, she got a little bit scared but after a little while she was swimming like a little fish again! :)

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Sophia's first ballet class!

Today, I took Sophia to her first ballet class. It was a dream come true for me! You know how people say, "when I have a kid they will play basketball or play the piano"? I have always said that when I had a girl, I would put her in ballet lessons. I did ballet lessons growing up and it was so much, plus is there anything more adorable than a little girl in a ballet outfit? Sophia's ballet class wasn't much of a ballet class but more of  a "motion" class but it was still fun. It took her a little while to get into but once she did, she was great! So proud of my little girl! :)

An afternoon at Halfmoon Bay!

A couple of weekends ago, Sophia and I got to go to Halfmoon Bay with Sophia's grandparents Tinho & GG. I had never gone to Halfmoon Bay, and I was so impressed at how beautiful it is. I loved the green scenery, the bright flowers and the fog over the ocean. The pictures below were taken at the Lemos Farm. Sophia loooved feeding the animals and riding the train (she had to go twice!). I saw that they usually have a huge pumpkin patch in October, can't wait to take Sophia to that! We also enjoyed walking around downtown Halfmoon Bay and having dinner at the beautiful Ritz-Carlton hotel. I really hope I can stay there at least one day of my life! (Is my husband reading this? :p)