Monday, September 12, 2011

Caroline's Baby Shower

On Sunday, we headed to one of my best friends baby shower! I am so excited that one of my friends is finally having a baby and baby Justin is only going to be two years apart from Sophia! ;) We had so much fun at Caroline's shower. She is Indonesian, so the shower had a lot of cultural rituals like the one (pictures below) where the parents-to-be eat fish to bring prosperity to the family. I loved seeing Caroline's big belly, I am so so so happy for her. Sophia had a lot of fun but she was probably wondering where the baby was since we kept talking about going to the baby shower! :) I can't believe just the other day I had my baby shower and now Sophia is almost two. That reminds me, I should post pictures of my baby shower in case someone comes across this blog and wants to steal some baby shower ideas! :)

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