Sunday, September 25, 2011

Girly Soso!

When I first found out that I was pregnant, I wanted to have a boy. The reason why I wanted to have a boy was because I have an older brother and I always thought that it's better to have the older sibling to be a man so he can protect the younger ones. We were 90% sure I was going to have a boy because Brent's grandparents had two boys, Brent's uncle had two boys, Brent's parents had two boys, and so on. We thought the Mitchells were destined to only have boys. Even after the ultrasound showed us I was going to have a girl, I was still skeptical thinking "maybe they made a mistake, and I am really going to have a boy!" Ha! Turned out, I really had a little girl and I am not just saying this because I had a girl, but having a girl was the perfect fit for our family. My husband grew up with boys so it is really fun to see him interacting with Sophia. Last week he came home saying that he went to the mall with Sophia and she tried on a whole bunch of shoes and he goes, "there were so many cute shoes." I never thought I would hear my sports-addict husband say that he went to the mall and saw so many cute shoes! :) I love that he is not afraid to be the father of a little girl. Fortunately, for Brent's sake Sophia also loves to play basketball, run outside and wrestle! We are so blessed to have Sophia...just the way she is. She makes our life full of fun and laughter! :)

Monday, September 12, 2011

My baby shower!!!!

So, almost two years ago I had my baby shower! Wow! Time flies! It was a lot of fun to look through these pictures. It brought back a lot of good memories. I hope if anyone who is planning a baby shower comes across my blog they can steal some ideas like the diaper cake or the fruit kebabs! :) PS: Looking at these photos made me miss my big belly...awwwe! :)

Caroline's Baby Shower

On Sunday, we headed to one of my best friends baby shower! I am so excited that one of my friends is finally having a baby and baby Justin is only going to be two years apart from Sophia! ;) We had so much fun at Caroline's shower. She is Indonesian, so the shower had a lot of cultural rituals like the one (pictures below) where the parents-to-be eat fish to bring prosperity to the family. I loved seeing Caroline's big belly, I am so so so happy for her. Sophia had a lot of fun but she was probably wondering where the baby was since we kept talking about going to the baby shower! :) I can't believe just the other day I had my baby shower and now Sophia is almost two. That reminds me, I should post pictures of my baby shower in case someone comes across this blog and wants to steal some baby shower ideas! :)

Soso at Lisa & Tyler's House!

Last weekend, we got to go to my brother-in-law Tyler and his new wife Lisa's house at Yuba City, which is close to Sacramento. We were so excited to finally see their new home AND inaugurate their barbecue which was our wedding gift. It was very warm at Yuba City, and ever since I read an article about a little girl who got burned going down the slides on a hot day, I won't let Sophia go on slides even if it's a little bit warm outside. I am so scared because baby's skin is so sensitive! Sophia got really red cheeks from being outside in the heat which you can see on the pictures! It was a great weekend and Soso had a blast! She always loves spending time with Tia Lisa and Uncly Ty! :)