Thursday, August 25, 2011

The life of a parent....

There are many reasons why being a parent is so great and one of them is that kids never let you have a bad day. Whenever I am sad, Sophia hugs me, kisses me, and  even tries to tickle me to make me feel better. But one of the best remedies are the funny things she says.  Here are some of Sophia's recent lines that made Brent and I crack up! :)

  • Mail man knocks next door. Sophia : "We are heeeeere!"
  • Sophia asking me to open her snacks container: "Mamae, open the door!"
  • Me: "Sophia wanna go to GG's house?" Sophia: "Yea! Happy! Do the happy dance!"
  • Sophia when her popsicle starts being covered up by the wrapper "It's not working!"
  • Sophia trying to open a small cereal box "I can't. It's too heavy"
  • While reading a book to sophia i point to something and tell her "estrela" she says "No mamae, it's a star!!!"
  • Sophia sees ants at someone's swimming suit, points at the person's butt and says "big ass! big ass"
  • Sophia wanted to watch Rugrats Brent said "No, those are stupid babies" Sophia "Super babies?" Brent "Yeah..super babies!" (Safe!! haha)
  • My dad points at the picture of a leopard and says "Look Sophia, a cat" and she goes "No no, it's a puma" (this was on the same day she was out in balcony yelling "baby jaguars, where are you?")
  • Sophia picks up the phone and says "Don't worry. I will help you"
Of course, there are many more of these lines. There are just a few that came to mind! Gotta love having a 22-month-old! :)

PS: The pictures below were taken last week. Sophia was being a brat! :)

Friday, August 19, 2011

Sophia in Cancun!

Last week, we got to spend the whoooole week in Cancun! I have been dreading posting pictures on here because how can I possibly pick 40 photos out of 800? It was hard! This vacation was like no other. We stayed at a beach front all-inclusive hotel and we even got "$1,500" with the package that we could spend on tours, massages (oh yes), professional pictures, romantic dinners, etc. This was the kind of vacation that actually felt like a vacation, therefore, I did not come home tired! And most importantly, Sophia had a blast!!! I think she had never had so much fun in her life. Although putting sunscreen on her was a very strict job, she enjoyed every minute she could at the beach and pool. Can't wait to go back to Cancun! :)