Monday, May 30, 2011

Memorial day at the Park!

Today, we had a little picnic at Sanborn Park to celebrate memorial day. It was a great day and Sophia had a blast walking around and picking up sticks. She loves sticks! She also loved the fact that uncle Ty and tia Lisa were here visiting. PS: The jerseys Sophia and Brent are wearing are from my team in Brasil, Vasco. Way to represent Vascao at Sanborn Park, Brent & Soso!!! O sentimento nao pode parar!!! :)

Sunday, May 29, 2011

Bathtime Fun!

In the first ten months of Sophia's life, I used to take pictures of her almost every day! Nowadays, the only times I take pictures of Sophia are when we go somewhere or meet up with someone we haven't seen in a while. (Aside from the random cellphone shots!) Today, I realized that I had not taken pictures of Sophia doing daily things such as eating, playing with her toys, and taking a bath since she was 10 months! So this afternoon, I took my camera to bath time and these photos convinced me that I definitely should take pictures of daily activities more often! :) I also need to take more videos of Sophia, gone are the days when I used to upload new videos to her flip channel twice a week. Ops!

Friday, May 13, 2011

San Francisco Zoo!

Sophia had already been to the SF zoo when she was 11 months old, but today was completely different. This time she could walk and say the name of some animals. When showing her a new animal, we knew right away when she spotted the animal because she would open a huge smile! I think her favorite part was petting the goats, don't you? :) The only bad thing was that most animals (lion, tiger, hypo, bear, rhino, & more) were sleeping when we went to see them. I guess we should have not gone during their ciesta! :) After, we went to a beautiful restaurant close to the zoo called The Cliff House. Tired from the zoo, Sophia was asleep almost the entire time we were there giving me time to enjoy the beautiful view with my husband. What a wonderful day out with the family!

Monday, May 9, 2011

Weekend at GG's house!

Last week, I packed Sophia's little suitcase and sent her to spend a couple of days with GG, who lives two hours away. Even though she was only there for two nights before my husband and I got there, it was very hard to be away from her that long. My husband and I kept finding ourselves whispering so we wouldn't wake Sophia up even though she wasn't home. Soso had so much fun at GG's house because besides having GG around 24/7 , GG's house also has Abby (their dog), it has a fun backyard to play in and it even has strawberry popsicles! :-)