Thursday, April 7, 2011

The three minute meal!

I started reading blogs because I wanted to read unbiased reviews about baby/child products written by real moms. I have learned so many useful tips from mothers/bloggers, that I thought I should thank them by sharing one of my mommy tips. I came up with a quick (very quick) meal to make in case my 17-month-old daughter doesn't want to eat what's is available. 

Microwave each ingredient for one minute. You will need:
1) Frozen vegetables (any kind you want: mixed, green beans, corn, etc) WITH water (you would think that's a given, but it's my husband.)
2) One veggie patty. Sophia loves the turkey hamburguer from Morning Star. 
3) One potato. After microwaved, cut it up and add butter and salt. (Most of the time, instead of making a potato, I just warm up white rice that I had made one or two days before.)

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