Monday, March 28, 2011

Sophia at San Diego

I have been posting a lot of old pictures to have it here on Sophia's blog but these pictures are brand new! We just got back from spending a whole week in San Diego! We got to hang out at the Welk Resort, go to the Seaport Village, Mission Beach, La Jolla, Sea World, and my favorite place Balboa Park. I think Balboa Park was Sophia's favorite place too because she had a blast running around, talking to all the babies and petting all the dogs that came across her way!



Sophia's second first birthday!

Sophia was in Brazil for her first birthday (photos on previous post) but we also wanted to celebrate the special occasion with our American family and friends, so we when we came back from Brazil we did a small get together for Sophia's birthday. The food consisted of croissant sandwiches, chips, fruits, brigadeiro (Brazilian candy) and cake! I did an Autumn theme with lots of orange, brown and gold. At first, I was afraid it was going to look like a Thanksgiving dinner but it ended up looking pretty nice! The most important thing is that Sophia had a blast! :)

Friday, March 18, 2011

Sophia's first birthday in Brazil

Wow, I can't believe Sophia is 17 months already, time flies! Here are some pictures of Sophia's first birthday party in Brazil. It was a lot of fun, Sophia looked beautiful and she did great even though she had been sick the day before her birthday! Does anyone need a unique idea for a party favor? We gave out pic frames with a picture of Sophia and the guest, everyone loved it! (Last picture!)

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Sophia in Chile

Sophia is a lucky little girl to have been able to travel a little bit. We went to Chile in October of 2010 and it was SO much fun. My mom came with us which was great, there are never too many helping hands when travelling with a baby!